Isak Berglind

Isak Berglind

February 23, 2022

Sort results in meilisearch using laravel scout

I tried meilisearch for the first time the other day. It worked great and it was a breeze getting it up 'n' running following the instructions in the laravel documentation I had some trouble,...


September 18, 2021

Testing complex eloquent queries

Testing sql-queries can be challenging. Not only do you need to have a database to test against, you also need to seed it data to have something to test with. Laravel, however, makes this process...


September 5, 2021

Stop lying about the benefits of testing

First of all, I'm sorry for the click-baity title. I am a huge proponent of testing! However, I think some people exaggerate the benefits, and claim that if you just write tests for your code, you...


October 4, 2020

Change uploaded filenames in the trix editor in nova

Last week I noticed that some of our image that got uploaded from the trix editor in Nova to S3 was containing non url-safe characters. No big deal i thought, there must be an easy way to 'sluggify'...
